Sunday, March 11, 2012

If I knew, I'd tell you.

If I knew what my purpose was in life, or what my purpose was after life, I would tell you. I would tell you everything you need to know and each step you need to take to become perfect. Perfection. Maybe that is the real task (or the real question?). I should've named this post, "What is it to be perfect."

He told us to go out and find our own pebble. To write about one tiny, little pebble. Well, what if I can't choose just one? There are thousands of them before me just patiently waiting to be chosen. Like that feeling you get when you're given three options to pick from in a certain amount of time. I hate that feeling. 
Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I can't pick a certain pebble and rant on and on about it because I feel bad. 
For ALL the other pebbles I didn't pick.

I want to talk about every single pebble. Every single struggle, trial, hardship in my life. Every single moment i've looked back on and regretted. Like that one... oh and that one. 
I'm trying my best here. Isn't that all that matters? I'm not perfect and none of you are. Yes that is a little harsh I am aware. But who else is going to say it? You know what, just forget it. Forget everything I have said in this pathetic post. Yes, I wish I knew more about life and death.

But why are you asking me?? If I knew, I would tell you. So, try asking God or something.         

1 comment:

  1. "He told us to go out and find our own pebble."

    And then you wrote about it. And then you felt bad about all the other pebble you didn't pick. I love that.
